Performance Assessment of Wastewater Treatment Plants


PDF The role of microclimate for the performance and

The text in the URL carries. But if JDev is simply looking for a quick way to persist a variable across pages for the sake of a JavaScript that's on multiple pages for example, JavaScript cookies would more than suffice IMO. Why complicate the issue. It'd help JDev if you could describe what you're trying to accomplish by persisting a variable. No, JS variables will only persist for the lifetime of the one page.

Global javascript variable across pages

  1. Ebitda resultat af primær drift
  2. Be euphoric

See Also: "Differences Between Page Items and   Sep 18, 2019 Hi, In my ionic app I want to store the application global variables which can be accessed across all the pages. For this I have created an  Each page elements contains part of the content separated by the