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- "sv_votemapenabled 2" only allows voting on maps that are in the maplist. 11:20 PM 2/23/2018 - "timelimit" default changed from 20 to 10. - "addloginop" / "removeloginop" commands store players with a given DPLogin ID to an auto-op list. - Bug fix to keep players logged in if they change the colors in their name. - Fixed spelling of "possession" With a vision to transform the digital force through rapid software development and collaborative innovation, Space CAMP accelerates dynamic solutions from discovery through deployment. BESPIN Business and Enterprise Systems Product Innovation (BESPIN) is an agile development lab that uses research, design, and technology to create exceptional Error during app initialization. /d3rest/v3/startup/ui,Error: Request failed with status code 403 NOAA National Weather Service National Weather Service NDFD Graphical Forecast In Year 2 of the pandemic, Americans have turned to digital solutions to stay connected.