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There are also Issue Credit Ratings which apply to a individual issue of debt. An individual Issue Credit Rating can be different from a Corporate Credit Rating due to the the terms of the issue - for example, if it is 'subordinated'.) The Reserve Bank of New Zealand is the principal regulator of banks, non-bank deposit takers, and insurance Best Islamic Bank in Oman' & 'Sovereign Deal of the Year' Islamic Finance News (IFN) 2016: Entrepreneurship Award 2015: Riyada, the Public Authority for SME Development: 2016: Straight through processing (STP) Barclays Bank for British Pound (GBP) payments processing: 2016: Best SME Product in Oman: Banker Middle East: 2016: Best Credit Card in Oman: Banker Middle East Corporate Banking “FIL KHIDMA” CALL CENTER +968 2475 4444 Inquiries and Complaints “FIL KHIDMA” CALL CENTER +968 2475 4444 Cyber Security Reporting +968 2475 4044 2020-12-18 · Bangkok Bank’s credit rating is classified as ‘investment grade’ by international ratings agencies. fwroot\projects\NY\Treasury\Investor_Relations\Rating\Entity Ratings\GS Entity Ratings 1-23-14.xlsx ratings 1/28/2021 5:17 PMGoldman Sachs Credit Ratings Moody's S&P Fitch DBRS R&I Standard & Poor’s assigned its AAA long-term credit rating to the Danish covered bonds (“Realkreditobligationer”) issued by Nordea Kredit. 02.03.2004: Fitch assigned ratings to Nordea Bank AB and withdrew Nordea Bank Sweden’s ratings.

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Summary. REPORTS. Ratings & Assessments. View by Class. View by Debt. Issuer Outlook.